Thursday, September 15, 2011

Memanfaatkan Microsoft Word 2007 Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Geometri di SMP

By Dr. Marsigit M.A.
Reviewed by Fitria Yelni (
Now, all of new generation computer has the application of Microsoft Office 2007. Microsoft Office 2007 has a lot of facilities which can be use in mathematics teaching learning processes. One of  the facility is  Microsoft Word 2007. We can develop the geometry teaching learning process by it. Microsoft Word 2007 is provided by SmarArt Graphic that can be use to draw many kind of two dimentional shapes or three dimentional shapes.
Media of geometry teaching learning activity in junior high school is an implication from standard of competence and basic competence. Some of the basic competence for junior high school students about geometry ability are to understand about the correlation of line and angle, and calculate its large, to understand about the concept of triangle and four-sided, and calculate the size and surface area, to use the Pythagoras theorem to solve the problem, to identify the unsure, the parts and the size of circle, to understand the characteristics of cube, rectangular prism, polygon based prism, and pyramids as well as their parts.
The basic geometry shapes can make from Autoshapes menu by click Drawing Toolbar. So, we can get the basic shapes such as triangle, square, hexagonal and oktagonal shapes. The shapes can be edit by copied, fill the colour and rotate the shapes by Free Rotate Tool. The way to apply variation for the shapes is by clicking the shape and choose Format menu, Autoshape, Size, and rotate the shape with angle that will do. Basic shapes of geometry can be developed to help the junior high school student in learning of triangle and square, especially the kind of triangle based its angle. The teacher give the chance to the students for draw the shape and explain how to make a triangle from a square shape.
Beside that, we can also draw the three dimentional shapes by using Microsoft Word 2007. For example, to draw a six sided based right prism, first step is draw a six sided shape as the based of the prism. Click the shape, and choose 3-D menu in Drawing Toolbar. To change the size of prism, click the prism and choose setting 3-D. The prism can also be rotated by Rotation Tool. After that, the teacher give the question for the students about how to calculate the surface area and volumes of the three dimentional shapes.
Basic shape can be moved without change the shape and size of shape by doing dragged. Rotation the shape in a point by using Rotation menu. Reflection by using the Rotate or Flip menu. So, transformation of geometry shapes can be doing by Microsoft Word 2007.   
Some of the advantages we can take by using Microsoft Word 2007 for geometry teaching learning activity in junior high school students are to increase student’s motivation and enjoyable in learning geometry, to investigate the concept of geometry by theirself, to do the problem solving about mathematics and the students can share the result of  teaching learning activity with the teacher and the other students.

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