Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pembelajaran Matematika Berbantuan Kalkulator: Studi Kasus Penggunaan Kalkulator Texas Instrument TI 89 pada PBM Matematika di SMK Muhammadiyah IV Yogyakarta

By Dr. Marsigit, MA and Retno Siswanto, S.Pd
Reviewed by Fitria Yelni (
The using calculator in mathematics learning is an ordinary thing in this era for everyone in elementary school until university. So, many research shown and explain about the calculator. There are two types of calculator by its utility, common calculator and scientific calculator. The common calculator usualy used in daily life. The method of this calculator is by doing the aritmatic operation from the first that the given. Whereas the scientific calculator has the method by doing the aritmatic operation by use mathematics rule. The scientific calculator is used by high school students, teachers and university students to help a calculating function.
One of the scientific calculator type is the graphics calculator. It can be solve the mathematical problem quickly and show the answer by a graph. We can also make a program to be used for solve the mathematical problem. While this calculator is useful and sophisticated, many people inclined buy the common and the other scientific calculator than the grapgics calculator. Its because the price of graphics calculator more expensive than the other type.
The research was held in SMK Muhammadiyah IV Yogyakarta on February 2003 to get the describtion about the using calculator in mathematics teaching learning process. The reseacher gave  the introduction about using calculator before the research was held. The graphics calculator is used to solve the linear equations and non-equations.
There are four steps to using graphics calculator in mathematics teaching learning activity. First step is to understand the importance of graphics calculator. Second step is to understand the theory and how to use the calculator to solve the the questions about linear equations and non-equations. Next step is to input data of the question in to the calculator. It will be prosessed to change the mathematics language to become the language of calculator. The last step is to construe the output that appeared in the monitor and get the conclusion.
The obstacle of using grapics calculator is the students be in trouble to translate the mathematical sentences  in to the language of calculator. Also on other way, the students hard to explain the output of calculator in to the mathematical sentences.
By using the graphics calculator, mathematics teaching learning process in linear equations and non-equations topic will be more easier  and fun than before. If the using of calculator is not balanced by conseption the procedure of operation and mathematical thinking, so it will be caused the dependence, lost of student’s confident and indolent to think.

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