Monday, January 30, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
In order the RSBI to become SBI, many things that should be considered and addressed by the school and the parties concerned and competent. Schools need to get a lot of support from all elements. Not only moral support, but also material support. In this case, local governments have a large enough portion hopes to help realize the SBI.
Many things must be addressed in realizing RSBI into SBI, including revamping the existing system at the school. Starting from the method of teaching, teachers should make move from the traditional method. Leave teacher-centered oriented, apply student centered oriented. Invite students to build or construct their knowledge. The use of media and teaching aid should also be well targeted and appropriate to the learning objectives to be achieved, not to simply as a platform to demonstrate the sophistication of it. Elements of the school community and other competent elements should also be able to improve the performance and competence itself for the realization of international standard schools according to what we aspired. In order to perform international standards, SBI needs to be supported by qualified teaching staff and professionals, facilities and good management. School and academic staff should also be able to program relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, accountability and to maintain the program.
How to Promote International Level of Schooling if I Were Head of Local Government of Educational Affair
International Level of Schooling is a familiar matter in Indonesia in recent years as "The International Standard School (SBI)". The school can be an international level of schooling if this school had fulfill the standards of national education and enriched by the standards of developed countries. Why Should the International Level of School being? By international standarize, hope it can be increase of quality and competitiveness of graduates in regional and international levels, in anticipation of an increase in international labor migration, enhance the competitiveness of Indonesian workers in the labor market International, and maintain employment in Indonesia established a national labor market by foreign companies in Indonesia.
This phenomenon causes many school-level international schools ranging from elementary school level, junior high school, senior high school until vying volunteered to be pilot international school the next level is expected to become the international level of schooling. Why? By acquire status as an international level, the school can be a school whose quality is considered better because the standards that apply to school is the international level. This school has special characteristics that set the terms and competence of all things that exist in the school, ranging from educators, program, school principal, until the management infrastructure. To support the implementation of international levels of schooling, the government provides financial assistance greater than regular schools.
But apparently, because the obsession that is owned by the majority of schools, sometimes making the school did not pay attention to the characteristics and competencies that must be possessed by each element and learning activities. So this causes a lot of pilot schools international level of schooling is still not worthy of being an international level of schooling. This case may cause the quality of the school to be not good and not according to the international level has been determined.
If I were a head of local government of educational affairs, I Will conduct a tight selection of schools proposals are proposed to be the international level of schooling. I would really verify all elements that exist in the schools so they set out into the international level of schooling will be the international level of schooling that meet established criteria.
Schools are proposed to be an international level of schooling should implement Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) which is enriched with international standards. For SMA / SMK / MA / MAK semester.sekolah should implement the credit system must also meet the content standards and competency standards that have been determined.
Teaching learning process in international levels of schooling should be a model for other schools in the development of noble character, manners, winning personality, kepemimpinana, entrepreneurial spirit, and soul innovator. Teaching learning process is enriched with a superior model of school learning process from one OECD country or other developed countries that have certain advantages in the field of education by applying technology-based learning (ICT) in all subjects. Group learning in science, mathematics and vocational core using the Classic as the language, while learning other subjects, except foreign language, must use the Indonesian language.
In issuing a decree establishing a teacher at the international level of schooling, I will assess and pay attention to a list that shows fortopolio qualifications. Teachers should be able to facilitate learning-based information and communication technologies, in addition to teacher groups of subjects in science, math and vocational core mengampu capable of learning to speak English, at least 10% of teachers of college-educated S2/S3 who studynya accredited A program for SD / MI, minimum of 20% for SMP / MTs, and at least 30% for SMA / SMK / MA / MAK.
In a decree issued a determination of the head master in international levels of schooling, I will select and assess the qualifications they have. The school principal must be educated minimum of S2 from college accredited A program of study and has come a principal training from a recognized institution by the Government. A head master must be able to speak English actively to support the tasks to be assigned. From the list of portfolios that are owned, will be seen whether the principals have international vision, able to build international networks, managerial competence and entrepreneurial spirit and strong leadership.
Infrastructure must be reviewed to determine whether a school worthy of being an international level of schooling. To support the international level of schooling, each classroom is equipped with facilities-based learning technology (ICT). The library is equipped with a digital infrastructure that provides access to the resource-based learning technologies (ICTs) worldwide. And equipped with multimedia space, cultural arts performance space, sports facilities, clinics, and so forth.
Characteristics of management at the international level of schooling must be considered. To be an international level of schooling, the school must:
1. Achieved ISO 9001 version 2000 or sesuadahnya and ISO 14000
2. Is a multicultural school
3. Relationship 'sister school' with the international standard schools abroad
4. Free drugs and cigarettes
5. Free of violence (bullying)
6. Applying the principle of gender equality in all aspects of school management
7. Won medals at various competitions of international level science, mathematics, technology, art, and sports.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Fitria Yelni – 09301241040 (http://fitrialikemath.blogspot.com)
Big WOW. Thanks to Mr.Marsigit for giving a super elegy for us. I think, all of the teachers should be read this elegy. I realize that education in our country still not good and it so far from “perfect”. Most of mathematics teaching learning process in Indonesia still use traditional method. It all because the teachers still not understand about the nature of mathematics education, teaching learning process, and the individual difference of student. The elegy show us that the teachers should be ashame with their traditional teaching method. And from now, the teachers must be realize that each students are different and unique, so teachers can be creative to make the teaching learning process more be interactive, interesting and meaningful for the student by require the media and teaching aid, varied the teaching method, and actualize themself.
By Dr.Marsigit,MA
Banyak hal yang perlu dilakukan pemerintah Indonesia dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan untuk mengimplementasikan kurikulum baru, yaitu KTSP yang dimulai pada tahun ajaran 2006/2007. Kebijakan ini diikuti oleh beberapa aspek yaitu: otonomi program sekolah, pengembangan silabus, peningkatan kompetensi guru, fasilitas belajar dan jaminan akan kualitas. Program monitoring telah dilakukan di beberapa daerah yang berbeda untuk mengetahui kekuatan, kelemahan, serta hambatan kurikulum baru ini. Dari kegiatan monitoring ini diketahui bahwa:
1. Banyak guru yang masih mempunyai masalah dalam pelaksanaan KTSP
2. Banyak guru masih memiliki kesulitan dalam mengembangkan lembar kerja siswa
3. Banyak guru masih memiliki kesulitan dalam mengembangkan masalah yang kontekstual dalam matematika.
4. Banyak guru masih memiliki kesulitan dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran
5. Siswa merasa lebih senang belajar matematika melalui kelompok diskusi
6. Guru merasa bahwa kegiatan diskusi, praktek, dan penelitian adalah metode yang penting dalam pembelajaran matematika yang sesuai dengan KTSP di SMP.
Hasil monitoring tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa:
1. Sosialisasi kurikulum baru harus lebih intensif
2. Partisipasi guru, kepala sekolah, dan pengawas harus ditingkatkan
3. Sumber daya yang mendukung kurikulum baru harus dikembangkan dengan ekstensif
4. Dibutuhkan penelitian tindakan kelas untuk guru sebagai bagian aktivitas mengajar
5. Dibutuhkan menanamkan konsep dan teori serta paradigma belajar mengajar matematika
6. Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan kurikulum baru meliputi terbatasnya fasilitas pendidikan dan media serta keterbatasan dana.
Saat ini keadaan masyarakat indonesia sangat cepat mengalami perubahan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. KTSP dapat menjadi langkah awal bagi guru matematika di Indonesia untuk merefleksi dan berpindah dari paradigma lama. Hal ini mendorong guru untuk mengevaluasi kekuatan dan kelemahan berbagai pendekatan yang berbeda agar dapat memilih. Melalui kurikulum baru ini, guru harus bisa merespon kebutuhan setiap anaka karena pengalaman yang relevan dan kemampuan siswa berbeda-beda. Hasil evaluasi dari kurikulum baru ini memberitahu kita bahwa saat kita menggunakan kurikulum baru, kita harus selalu meningkatkan kemampuan kita. Disarankan juga untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan matematika. Untuk itu, pemerintah pusat harus:
1. Mendefinisikan kembali tugas guru yaitu sebagai fasilitator.
2. Mendefinisikan kembali tugas kepala sekolah yaitu memberikan dukungan pada perkembangan professional guru dengan mengizinkan guru untuk mengikuti seminar, pelatihan, dsb.
3. Mendefinisikan kembali tugas supervisor yaitu mereka harus memiliki latar belakang akademik yang sama dengan guru yang disupervisinya.
4. Mempromosikan kolaborasi yang lebih baik antara sekolah dan universitas
5. Mendefinisikan kembali sistem evaluasi nasional.
By Shisumi Shimizu and Dr.Marsigit,MA
Mengamati perilaku siswa ketika mereka berinteraksi dengan benda-benda atau orang di sekitarnya, akan menjadi titik awal untuk membahas tentang mekanisme perkembangan kognitif mereka. Dalam berinteraksi, anak dapat melihat objek, memegang objek, mendengarkan suara atau berbicara dengan orang lain; secara spesifik, ia juga dapat mengkategorikan, menghafal atau bahkan membuat rencana untuk aktivitas tertentu.
Diskusi kelompok kecil dapat dianggap sebagai serangkaian kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh guru yang mencoba untuk mendorong siswa untuk menjelaskan konsep yang mereka miliki kepada orang lain.
Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keaktifan siswa dalam praktek mengajar matematika berdasarkan model yang baik dari mengajar matematika primer dan atas dasar asumsi bahwa guru dapat belajar dan menciptakan pengetahuan melalui pengalamannya dan mengamati serta merenungkan pengalaman itu.
Penelitian ini meliputi tindakan berikut : (1) mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis masalah yang timbul dalam proses belajar mengajar matematika, (2) merancang strategi untuk memecahkan masalah sebagai hasil komunikasi simetris antara peneliti dan guru, (3) menerapkan dan menguji strategi, (4) mengevaluasi efektivitas strategi, (5) merefleksikan hasil yang diperoleh, (6) kesimpulan atau masalah baru diidentifikasi, (7) mengulangi siklus hingga adanya peningkatan keaktifan mereka dalam praktek, (8) melaporkan temuan yang diperoleh.
Dalam penelitian tindakan kelas, peneliti berpendapat bahwa guru harus memiliki persiapan yang baik dan mengembangkan beberapa skema untuk mengajar. Namun, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak tidak hanya melakukan kegiatan di bawah bimbingan guru. Mereka mampu mengembangkan kegiatan mereka berdasarkan pengaruh pada arah dan fokus kegiatan sendiri. Dengan mengamati transisi dari satu aktivitas ke aktivitas lainnya, peneliti menemukan bahwa memperhatikan beberapa lembar kerja yang dikembangkan oleh guru memiliki pengaruh jalannya kegiatan dan telah memulai dengan berbagai percakapan interaksi. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kita dapat menafsirkan peran guru melalui perspektif siswa pada interaksi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa melalui penelitian tindakan kelas, siswa tidak hanya menjadi sebagai pembelajar aktif tetapi juga sebagai konstruktor hidup pengetahuan mereka sendiri.
By Dr.Marsigit,MA
Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) in UNY Refers to the college quality assurance system, which applies the eight standards in accordance with Law 19 of 2005, that is content standards or curriculum, learning standards, competency standards, standards of education and educational personnel, facilities and infrastructure standards, management standards, funding standards, and educational assessment.
There are three strategies to do the socialization methods, that is through leaflets (leaflets), face to face, and internet or website. Delivery coordination meetings workshop direct monitoring results.
Overcoming Adversity :
Ø Questions about the urgency of quality assurance can be resolved by action in the form of performance monitoring, followed by enhancement / improvement so that the perceived importance of the academic society (plus a philosophical explanation of the importance of quality assurance)
Ø In the meantime, about the status of the institution the problem can be answered with the Rector who was already owned by KPM.
Quality Management Constraints:
Ø Constraint management of quality control monitoring, especially at this stage.
Ø Monitoring and analysis of data manually takes a long time.
Ø To deal with this year's ICT-based monitoring system was developed.
Instruments :
Academic Performance Standards Monitoring Instrument Performance Mapping Program Semester Program Faculty Study Borings Instruments First Week Semester Course Central Monitoring Instruments PBM Monitoring Instruments Orderly Campus Academic Performance Monitoring Performance Monitoring Instruments Monitoring Instruments nonacademic Five Days Block Grant Monitoring Instruments
Quality Assurance System Internal (SPMI) in UNY refers to the college quality assurance system, which applies the eight standards in accordance with Law 19 of 2005, namely: content standards or curriculum, learning standards, competency standards, standards of education and educational personnel, facilities and infrastructure standards, management standards, funding standards, and educational assessment.
Office of Quality Assurance UNY SMPI implemented since 2005 when the quality assurance system is handled by a team of Ad Hock, and SPMI was confirmed again by raising the status of the team as the office manager by the name of the Office of Quality Assurance.
There are three strategies to do the socialization methods, namely through leaflets, face to face, and internet or website. Delivery coordination meetings workshop in direct monitoring results. Difficulties or obstacles are most frequently encountered to achieve or meet quality standards in the SPMI. The most frequently encountered obstacles to achieve the standard is to change the culture of the civitas target toward academic work or set its own standards.
Model Quality Control Management of quality control applied to refer to the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) which further expanded the SPAMR is Standard, Planning, Action, Monitoring, and Reflection. Quality Management Constraints Management constraints, especially at this stage of quality control monitoring. Monitoring and analysis of data manually takes a long time. To overcome this year's ICT based monitoring system was developed.
By Dr.Marsigit,MA
Tujuan utama dari filsafat pendidikan matematika ini adalah memfasilitasi siswa untuk mengembangkan ketertarikan mereka tentang pendidikan matematika dan keseluruhan aspeknya. Dalam tulisan yang ini, kegiatan dalam belajar mengajar akan fokus pada berbagi ide dan diskusi, di mana para siswa dimulai dari konteks mereka sendiri dan pengalaman, akan memperluas pemahaman mereka tentang perspektif dan komprehensif tentang filsafat pendidikan matematika. Juga akan membiarkan para siswa menghasilkan kesimpulan mereka sendiri dan berkomunikasi mereka untuk siswa lain dalam rangka untuk memvalidasi pengetahuan mereka.
Materi pembelajaran yang akan dibahas adalah:
· Filsafat pendidikan Matematika,
· Ideologi Pendidikan Matematika,
· Yayasan Pendidikan Matematika,
· Sifat Matematika dan Matematika Sekolah
· Matematika adalah mencari pola dan hubungan
· Matematika adalah aktivitas kreatif, yang melibatkan imajinasi, intuisi dan penemuan
· Matematika adalah cara pemecahan masalah
· Matematika adalah sarana mengkomunikasikan informasi atau ide-ide.
Memahami sifat dan karakteristik perkembangan remaja dapat menjadi upaya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan para siswa. Beberapa siswa belajar ketika mereka melihat apa yang sedang diajarkan, Yohanes Munchak (2004) menunjukkan bahwa dalam rangka untuk memberikan pelajaran yang baik, menarik dan menantang untuk setiap individu, maka perlu untuk menganggap bahwa siswa sebagai manusia. Setiap individu memiliki kemampuan, motivasi, sikap, tujuan, dan latar belakang budaya sendiri.
Tidak ada yang berpendapat bahwa pendidikan matematika terkait erat dengan masyarakat. Meskipun demikian, ada hal yang dapat kita telusuri sejauh mana hubungan atau keterkaitannya. Filosofis pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia merupakan implikasi perubahan pendidikan yang terdiri dari (1) Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, dan (2) Mengelola Perubahan Pendidikan.
By Dr.Marsigit,MA
According to Immanuel Kant, mathematics as a science is possible if the mathematical concept of spatial and constructed based on the intuition of time. Kant's view of mathematics can contribute significantly in terms of the philosophy of mathematics, especially regarding the role of intuition and the construction of mathematical concepts. Michael Friedman mention that what Kant achieved has given depth and accuracy of the mathematical basic, and therefore the achievement can’t be ignored.
Kant's view about the role of intuition in mathematics has provided a clear picture of the foundation, structure and mathematical truth. If we learn more about knowledge of Kant's theory, in which dominated the discussion about the role and position of intuition, then we will also get an overview of the development of mathematical foundation from Plato to the contemporary philosophy of mathematics, through the common thread intuitionism philosophy and constructivism .
According to Kant, mathematics is a logical construct adjective as concepts are synthetic a priori in concepts of space and time. Therefore, Kant argues that mathematics is built on the intuition of pure intuition of space and time in which mathematical concepts can be constructed synthetically. Pure intuition is the foundation of all reasoning and decision mathematics.
Kant argues that the propositions of arithmetic should be synthetic in order to obtain new concepts. If only rely on the analytical method, then it will not be obtained for new concepts. While Kant, argues that the geometry should be based on pure spatial intuition. If the concepts of geometry was to eliminate the concepts of empirical or sensing, the concept of space and time would still remain; namely that the concepts of geometry are a priori.
Decision mathematics is the awareness that complex cognition that have the characteristics: a) relating to the objects of mathematics, either directly (through intuition) or indirectly (through concepts), b) include both mathematical concepts and the concepts entirely on predicate subjects, c) is a pure reasoning in accordance with pure logic, d) involve the laws of mathematics are constructed by intuition, and e) state the truth value of a mathematical proposition. Kant concluded that the mathematics of arithmetic and geometry is a discipline that is synthetic and independent from one another.
By Dr.Marsigit,MA
Of Minds:
1) Reflect Innovative Vision and Change (Good Practice of Teaching)
2) In accordance with International and National Criteria
3) In accordance with the Essence of Education, School Science nature and essence Students Learn Science In harmony with the Socio-constructivist, Cognitive Development
4) Development of Research-Based Science Learning ie CAR, Lesson Study, Case Studies
New Approach of Learning:
1) Learning is a search for pattern and relationship.
2) Learning activity is problem solving.
3) Learning means of investigation.
4) Learning means of communication.
Alternative Instrument Teaching Practice:
1) Apperception (Belong to students / Preparation by individual student)
2) Works Group Discussion (Forms and Substances)
3) Developing Teaching Media / Aids (Various)
4) Developing Teaching Methods (Various / To Facilitate / Constructive / Flexible)
5) Developing Interaction (various or flexible)
6) Students' Presentation (report and explain)
7) Developing Students' Worksheet (constructive)
8) Developing Lesson Plan (students centered)
9) Conclusion by the students
10) Scheme of competencies achievement (cognitive schema)
The Problems:
1) How the perceptions of teachers and schools with PPL?
2) Types of cooperation with schools
3) Types of programs and activities of PPL
4) Terms and supporter factor
5) Linkages with lecturer and teacher professional development
6) Position and contribution to national level
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